Minor update - Bug fixes

So I've just uploaded the 1.1 version.  This has a few minor changes:

  • Missing collision in level 1 has been rectified
  • You can now simply pressed 'esc' again to exit the in-game pause menu
  • Moved to the Mono/C# build of Godot.  Laying the groundwork for any future updates and/or sequels.
  • The 'options.cfg file' is no longer used.  Due to there being such a small number of options I decided against implementing a conversion to the new 'Gamedata.sav'.  So if you extract the game to the same folder, don't worry if your old settings don't load.  Any changes will be saved into the new save format.

Anyway, if there are any problems please let me know and thank you to all those who've played, shared, left feedback and donated.  You all rock!



AfflictionRescue1.1_win.zip 58 MB
Oct 30, 2020
AfflictionRescue1.1_linux.zip 74 MB
Oct 30, 2020

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